Robert Bly is a poet, translator, essayist, editor, and the author of over twenty major volumes of poetic work, including The Light Around The Body, which won the National Book Award. He is also the founder of a literary magazine, which has been called, successively, The Fifties, The Sixties, The Seventies, and The Eighties. His translations from the Spanish (Neruda, Vallejo, Hernandez and Otero), from the Swedish (Martinson, Ekelof Transtromer), from the German (Rilke and Holderlin), and his versions of Kabir and the Sufi mystics almost singlehandedly brought an international awareness of poetry to this country in the last half century. His book, Iron John: A Book About Men is an international bestseller and has been translated into many languages. His most recent books are: Morning Poems (HarperCollins,1997), Eating The Honey Of Words: Selected Poems (Harper Flamingo, 1999), and a new translation of Ghalib called The Lightning Should Have Fallen On Ghalib (with Sunil Dutta, Ecco Press).
Al Maginnes Welsh Ron Rash Luke Hankins R. T. Smith Stella Vinitchi Radulescu J. W. Bonner Jack Hirschman Essay Hungarian Russian Janice Moore Fuller William Matthews Eugenio Montale Lyn Lifshin Kathryn Stripling Byer Sally Buckner Simon Perchik Bill Knott Michael Harper Emöke Z. B’Racz Lee Ann Brown Dede Wilson Review Ryan G. Van Cleave Robert Creeley Spanish Jonathan Williams Gearóid Mac Lochlainn Robert Bly Rene Char Patrick Bizzaro Thomas P. Feeny Newton Smith Marilyn Kallet Patricia Smith Phebe Davidson Emmanuel Moses Marilyn Hacker Gaylord Brewer Quincy Troupe Jonathan Greene Keith Flynn Thomas Rain Crowe Jeffery Beam