1. Given two points there is an interval that joins them.
Space accelerates as scales not vectors,
fish not anvils, and is unaimed.
When I look into your pupils
there are blind spots in my vision.
Encountering the whites of your eyes
determines nature of system
Giant squid, quarks, leptons,
Mandala—almonds around icons—shapes of orbit
Inscribed within a sphere
(Riemannian geometry guarantees collision.)
2. An interval can be prolonged indefinitely.
Newton claims infinite universe is unstable.
His laws fail as things approach C, get
too fast, too big, too small
Mapped domain of applicability (his collarbones,
forearms, the wrinkles next to his eyes)
Weight of atmosphere
(parrots and snowflakes loom above)
3. A circle can be constructed when its center and
a point on it are given.
projectors and slide shows.
meta-questions (does he swallow at the sight of me)
useless disciplines. Keep talking moonshine
the distance between blind spots is a line I do not cross.
In closed space, forms swell.
Form numbers like 4.7 billion
The age of this third planet
The third letter is speed of light
I remember, I remember, to tell him my name.
4. All right angles are equal
I could footnote you but
chalk board remarks like inscriptions
subsist within wordless orbs of observation.
The florescent light distancing our eyelashes
Richochets at 3 × 108
Eroticism of night sky—boundless.
We speed towards solar gravitational center
One hundred thousand miles per hour
I search pockets for a pen.
The sun collapses, does not burn.
5. Through a point outside a straight line, one and
only one parallel line can be drawn to the first line.
The convergence between cosmology and particle physics
is a seven digit equation I scribble on paper
Underneath my six figure name.
If—to become as quarks are:
Strange and charmed
All top and bottom
Up and down
I must follow chain reactions to collide
the pin points of your pupils with mine.
Then—I admit—my ability to speak is lead isotopes
breaking down
as the laws of physics at the sight of you—
try not to consider possibilities of hyperbolic
space where lines diverge. Instead,
leave my phone number, a postulate in your palm.